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The Masked Singer Tickets

The Masked Singer Live Tour Tickets

Get ready to guess who’s behind the mask with The Masked Singer Live tickets from TicketSmarter. Not just any reality singing competition, The Masked Singer features celebrities singing covers of well-known songs while disguised in various over-the-top costumes. The show debuted on FOX in January of 2019 and quickly shot to the top of the ratings. In fact, the premiere of The Masked Singer marked the highest-rated unscripted show debut since The X-Factor eight years prior. A celebrity panel is given clues with which to guess the singer’s identity, which they attempt to do after each performance. The panel consists of Ken Jeong, Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg, Nicole Scherzinger and Robin Thicke, who is often joined by an additional celebrity guest panelist.

The Masked Singer has already garnered its share of accolades, including multiple Emmy nominations for “Outstanding Costumes for a Variety, Nonfiction, or Reality Programming” thanks to costume designers Marina Toybina and Grainne O’Sullivan.

The Masked Singer Live tickets offer fans the chance to see a one-of-a-kind stage adaptation of the hit FOX show. Attendees can expect to see many fan-favorite characters brought to life in front of their eyes, as well as two celebrity guest hosts guiding the proceedings. A fun and exciting twist to the evening is promised in the form of a different celebrity guest performer every night. One celebrity from each city hosting the tour will perform in disguise throughout the show and reveal their identity at the end of the night. In addition, the tour promises to incorporate many fan-favorite songs and routines from the television show as well as brand-new materially created specifically for the live audience.

The Masked Singer Live Ticket Prices

Pricing for The Masked Singer Live seats may change from venue to venue based on a variety of factors. Ticket demand, seating section, and VIP package options may all affect ticket pricing.

How much do tickets for The Masked Singer cost?

The Masked Singer ticket prices are based on seating location and which ticket packages you select with $0 being the average price you’ll pay.

Are VIP tickets available for The Masked Singer?

Yes, VIP upgrades and premium seats are available for as much as $0.

Where to find cheap The Masked Singer tickets?

Fans can find great affordable tickets starting as low as $0 by selecting seats away from the stage.

Can I get last-minute tickets for ?

Yes, it’s not too late to get your tickets! There are still 0 tickets available for The Masked Singer’s performance on .

The Masked Singer 2025 Schedule

The Masked Singer has 0 shows scheduled for this year.

When is The Masked Singer performing?

The Masked Singer’s next performance is on .

Where is The Masked Singer performing?

The next show is at the in , .

How long does The Masked Singer last?

A The Masked Singer show typically lasts 90 to 105 minutes with no intermission. The duration can vary slightly depending on the location and specific performance.