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Sarah and the Safe Word Tickets

Sarah and The Safe Word Concert Tickets

Audiences can expect a spooky cabaret rock show with their purchase of Sarah and The Safe Word tickets from TicketSmarter. Sarah and The Safe Word is a six-member rock band based out of Atlanta, Ga., that formed in 2015. They play rock and roll music with a haunted and sultry twist. Their live shows are theatrical punk masterpieces. The founder of Warped Tour, Kevin Lyman, personally asked them to play the festival in 2017. The band was featured on the CW television show, The Originals, where they played as the band for a wedding between a werewolf and a witch.

See a live show from a queer rock and roll group with Sarah and The Safe Word tickets. Songs from the band evoke the feelings of being in a back alley speakeasy. They blend this jazzy nuance into their rock music in a way that is mesmerizing. They have more than 100,000 monthly listeners on Spotify. With over one million streams each, their most popular tracks are “You’re All Scotch, No Soda” and “Sick On Seventh Street.” Sarah and The Safe Word have two albums, Red Hot & Holy and Good Gracious! Bad People. In 2022, they performed at venues across the country including Will’s Pub in Orlando, Gasa Gasa in New Orleans and Scout Bar in Houston.

How much are Sarah and the Safe Word tickets?

These prices may fluctuate depending on where Sarah and the Safe Word is performing. Make sure to check the information below the most updated stats:

Sarah and the Safe Word Ticket Prices:

  • Average Price: $100 per ticket
  • Cheap Ticket Options: Tickets start at $50 in the upper levels
  • VIP Seating: Premium tickets cost over $275 for the best views


Is Sarah and the Safe Word going on tour in 2025?

There are not any upcoming shows scheduled, but check back soon to see if they announce more dates.

What songs are on Sarah and the Safe Word's setlist?

Sarah and the Safe Word's setlist while performing in Chicago , IL at “Beat Kitchen” included the following songs:

  1. Ruby Off the Rails
  2. So Metropolitan
  3. Invert the Jenny
  4. Sick on Seventh Street
  5. Dig a Fancy Grave
  6. A Little Evil Never Hurt Anyone
  7. Flowers
  8. Bar in Hell
  9. Bottom of a Bender
  10. The Business Practices of Spiders
  11. Pornstar Martini
  12. Audrey, Honey...
  13. Formula 666
  14. Sky on Fire
  15. You're All Scotch, No Soda
  16. The Last Great Sweetheart of the Grand Electric Rodeo
  17. Encore
  18. The Louisville Shuffle (RIP)
