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Holiday Dreams Cirque Tickets

Holiday Dreams Cirque Show Tickets

It is time to get your Holiday Dreams Cirque tickets for this Christmas spectacular. Fernando Quevedo has created an event you will not want to miss. Witness the amazing display of lights, cheering crowds, dancing bears and other fun holiday treats that will make up Holiday Dreams: A Spectacular Holidays Cirque. 

Fernando Quevedo's journey to bring the entire family together for one big show began when he was growing up in Europe and watching his father perform at the circus. He started the one place with glitz and glamour: Las Vegas. Since Las Vegas is not known as being particularly family-friendly in terms of entertainment venues, Quevedo got help from an outside source, Joe Palmer. He presented Palmer with proof that Ohio had some great Broadway productions which could accommodate his grandiose show. 

Watch a twist on an acrobatic show with Holiday Dreams Cirque tickets. Quevedo's passion for innovation led him to incorporate elements in the show that he was passionate about, like holograms, projection mapping and interactive lasers. Since then Holiday Dreams has been labeled as one of the most amazing holiday shows with its jaw-dropping performances by specialty acts like acrobats or clowns alongside other award-winning theater productions including side-splitting comedy routines for all audiences to enjoy this incredible holiday season. 

How much are Holiday Dreams Cirque tickets?

Holiday Dreams Cirque tickets prices will vary depending on the event and what packages you select.

Average Price: $68 per ticket

Cheap Ticket Options: Tickets start at $32 for basic ticket packages

VIP Seating: Premium tickets cost over $115 for the best views

When is Holiday Dreams Cirque performing next?

Holiday Dreams Cirque hasn’t announced when the next event is happening. We will have all upcoming events once new dates are released.

Where does Holiday Dreams Cirque perform?

The venue for Holiday Dreams Cirque’s next live event hasn’t been announced. Explore other upcoming live events near you.