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Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra Tickets

Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra Concert Tickets

Enjoy an amazing classical performance with Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra tickets. The Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra, or LPO, based in New Orleans, was founded in September 1991 after the dissolution of the New Orleans Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra by former New Orleans Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra members.

The first music director of the LPO was Klauspeter Seibel, who served until 2005 when he retired. His eulogy in Hamburg, Germany praised his work with the LPO. The LPO is the only orchestra in the Gulf South that employs full-time professional musicians for its ensemble. Performances are held at the Orpheum Theater, which is in the central business district.

Attend a concert by a premiere symphony orchestra with Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra tickets. Each concert season of the LPO is 36-weeks with selected music ranging from classics and casual classics and performances are geared toward family, educational and outreach concerts, as well as special events. The LPO is the oldest symphony in the United States that is musician-governed and operates collaboratively.

The Orpheum Theater was damaged due to Hurricane Katrina in August of 2005, which caused the LPO’s musicians and staff to have to move performances and operations temporarily, starting in 2006. One location employed was Palmer Park. When the park reopened in August of 2015 the LPO performed at an inaugural gala in September of that year and since become an anchor tenant.

How much do Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra tickets cost?

Ticket prices vary based on the venue, orchestra, and performance type. On average, tickets range from $20 to $398.

  • Average Price: $110 per ticket
  • Lowest Price: Around $75 is often the lowest price you can find a ticket
  • Premium Seating Options: A premium center orchestra seat near the front of the stage can cost as much as $287 a ticket


When is Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra next concert?

The details for Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra’s next live concert haven’t been released. We will update their schedule after a new concert is announced.

How long are Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra concerts?

Each performance is around 90 minutes long without intermission.

What songs are on Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra's setlist?

Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra's setlist while performing in New Orleans , LA at “Peoples Health New Orleans Jazz Market” included the following songs:

  1. The Floating World
  2. Chere Mo Lemme Toi
  3. New Orleans Footprints
  4. Fractured Time
  5. Water Seed
  6. Say Baby
  7. Water
  8. 24 Days
  9. Black Leather
  10. Peace
  11. Open Sesame
