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Queens University Basketball Tickets

Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball Tickets

Queens University Royals Basketball Tickets

Come cheer on your favorite college basketball team in the stands when you purchase some Queens College Royals Basketball Tickets. The Royals are the basketball team representing Queens College, located in Queens, N.Y. Queens College is a public college that is part of the City University of New York system and was established in 1937.

The men’s basketball program got its start in 1938 and is part of the NCCA as a Division I team. They participate in the ASUN Conference. In February of 2004, the Royals had played its 1500th game. The Royals call the South Gym home, where the main court was named after storied coach Lucille Kyvallos. The Royals often face off against other teams such as Austin Peay State University’s Governors, the Colonels from Eastern Kentucky University, the Owls from Kennesaw State University and the University of Central Arkansas’ Bears. To make sure you do not miss their next big game, grab yourself some Queens College Royals Basketball Tickets from TicketSmarter.

How much are Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball tickets?

Ticket prices are influenced by several factors, such as purchase timing, venue, seat location, and more. Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball Tickets can be found for around $48

  • Average Ticket Price: Ranges from $90-$289 per ticket
  • Cheap Tickets: Tickets can start in the $5-$75 range in the upper levels depending on the opponent
  • Courtside Seating: Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball Courtside Seats can run $99-$999 per ticket for top 25 opponents and many rivalry matchups


How to get cheap Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball tickets?

You can find budget-friendly tickets on TicketSmarter, starting around $45.

How can I buy Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball tickets?

You can purchase Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball tickets on TicketSmarter with just a few simple steps:

  • Find an event: Scroll up to see upcoming games and choose the one you’d like to attend.
  • Explore options: After selecting a game, you’ll see available tickets and an interactive seat map. Use the filters at the top to set your price range, pick the number of tickets you need, and select any preferred seat features.
  • Checkout: Once you’ve decided on your seats, choose the quantity and click “Go to checkout.”
  • Complete your purchase: Enter the email address where you want your tickets delivered, finalize your payment details, and finish the transaction. Your tickets will then be sent to your inbox.


How can I sell my Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball tickets?

You can list your Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball tickets for sale by heading to the “Sell Tickets” tab on our website, finding the event you want to sell by entering the artist, venue or city, entering ticket details for a specific event, and selecting a price to list your tickets for. Once purchased, you will need to transfer the tickets to the buyer. You’ll also receive an email notification as soon as your tickets are sold. Then you get paid!

Will my seats be together?

Yes, TicketSmarter ensures that tickets bought together will be seated together unless the listing states otherwise. This guarantee lets groups of friends or family enjoy the event side-by-side, without any seating concerns.

Where do the Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball play their home games?

The Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball team play their home games at Curry Arena. Curry Arena is located at 2201 Wellesley Avenue, Charlotte, NC. The venue features several seating options that make up the Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball seating chart for all home games.

When do Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball tickets go on sale?

Cheap Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball tickets for games can be found months before the game, and the same goes for away matchups. There’s no need to rush into checking the schedule—simply purchase your tickets whenever you’re ready.

Cheap Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball tickets for games can be found months before the game, and the same goes for away matchups. There’s no need to rush into checking the schedule—simply purchase your tickets whenever you’re ready. 

Is it better to buy Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball tickets in advance?

With Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball tickets available well in advance, there’s no pressure to plan too early—you can purchase them whenever you like. Waiting until the last minute can often yield cheaper tickets for Queens University of Charlotte Royals Basketball games, as sellers tend to drop their prices closer to game day, allowing NCAA Men's Basketball fans to capitalize on lower costs.