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Toledo Symphony Tickets

Toledo Symphony Concert Tickets

Hear great works of orchestral music live when you buy your Toledo Symphony tickets today. This ensemble engages a wide variety of listeners with live concert experiences and educational programming, and those who enjoy symphonic repertoire will not want to miss hearing them live in concert.

Founded in 1943, the Toledo Symphony is a professional ensemble that operates out of Toledo, Ohio and performs a wide array of concerts for audiences. Beyond live concerts, this group of musicians is also dedicated to educating both children and adults through a range of programming, including their Young People’s Performances, concerts in public schools, the Toledo Symphony School of Music and the Toledo Symphony Youth Orchestras. Through varied repertoire, this symphony attracts a wide audience for their regular seasons, which include everything from classical masterworks, popular music shows and films with live orchestra. Performing at the Valentine Theatre, audiences will not want to miss a stunning live performance by this talented ensemble.

Do not miss the chance to grab your Toledo Symphony tickets now and hear your favorite orchestral masterpieces live in concert. Past performances by this professional symphony have included works like Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet, Bach’s Orchestral Suite No. 1, Schumann’s Symphony No. 4 and Stravinsky’s Petrushka. Secure your seats to experience the most acclaimed works of the repertoire performed live by the Toledo Symphony.

How much do Toledo Symphony tickets cost?

Ticket prices vary based on the venue, orchestra, and performance type. On average, tickets range from $20 to $398.

  • Average Price: $110 per ticket
  • Lowest Price: Around $75 is often the lowest price you can find a ticket
  • Premium Seating Options: A premium center orchestra seat near the front of the stage can cost as much as $287 a ticket


When is Toledo Symphony next concert?

The details for Toledo Symphony’s next live concert haven’t been released. We will update their schedule after a new concert is announced.

How long are Toledo Symphony concerts?

Each performance is around 90 minutes long without intermission.